ShikaQ robot 3.0
ShikaQ is a jumping robot base in the video game character with the same name develop by Agni Flare studio. The robot was feautured at TGS 2018 (Tokyo Game Show) as part of the promotion campagne of the game.
More information about ShikaQ video game here:
3 versions of the robot was made, basically depending of the version, the hardware used consist of:
- Arduino nano
- Raspberry Zero w
- 1 o 2 servos
- IR sensor
- 3.7 litio or 4 AA battery
- DIY material
- Distance sensor
- 5 digits display segments
The first version was able to to walk, jump, turn and do simple “dance”, It could be control it WiFi.
But for the last version it was necessary to simplify it for the TGS event, to just be able to jump, count and register the number of jumps number of people visted the stand
ShikaQ name, images, etc copyright by Agni Flare.